Arc fixing on column metallic structure details of industrial building dwg file


Arc fixing on column metallic structure details of industrial building that includes a detailed view of armor table am-0, detail - arco 01 metalico "am-01", detail vigueta metalica vc-1 (compression), applicable rules and codes:, materials: american society for testin and material- astm, -acero: american institute of steel construction - aisc, -pinture: steel structures painting council - sspc, -welding: american welding society - aws, corrugated steel: astm a-615 (g-60 -4,200 kg / cm2), protection: the steel structure will be protected with anticorrosive paint which will consist of the following layers:, details - arch fixing am-01 on column metalca cm-01 and much more of structure details.

File Type: DWG File ID: 121575

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Eiz Luna

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