
Meaning of “Home” Each one of us has the place which brings back good memories, is the symbol of comfort and wellness, revokes memories related to music, objects, colors, people, and dishes. This place is called home. It is kept in our memories as an ideal one, even if it is not so perfect. Home serves as a kind of fortress to us, our freedom and deeds. The word home is a many faceted word that combines different concepts. Home is culture, religion, the place where you live, friends, relatives, neighbors, cuisine, personal objects and environment. Home should be the place where you feel secure, free and in the state of wellness and physical well-being. It is often associated with parents, siblings, warmth and comfort. However, international students do suffer a lot from this psychological sickness, and so when they lose at least one of these components they feel homesick and start to understand the meaning of the word “Home.” Home is considered as a place where you were brought up, which is related to the childhood memories, toys, favorite dishes, and traditions. Sometimes it happens for those international students while in the middle of the school day they have an unrestrained desire to go home. They close their eyes and see unforgettable masterpieces – a kitchen, a cozy

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Muhammad Yousaf


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